Armoury gym in Hampstead has a facelift!
10th March 2021
Our Armoury gym in Pond Street – opposite the Royal Free Hospital – has had a long-awaited facelift to the façade of the building during lockdown. We are delighted with the new improved appearance and, as well as redecoration, we have made repairs to the roof and windows, and refurbished the metal railings too.
The Armoury was built in the 1900’s for the Regiment of Fusiliers and housed a cadet force until the 1980’s. We took advice from the Fusiliers Museum to ensure that the restoration was appropriate, especially the repainting of the crest above the front door. We received a lovely email from the museum, congratulating us on our work and attaching a recruiting poster dating from the early 20th century.
The work was partially funded by a grant from the local (CIL) Fund, and we are very grateful to them for their support. Now that the front of the building is watertight, we can redecorate and improve the upstairs studio which houses our large programme of group exercise classes, including dozens every week for the 0ver 60’s, as well as our cardiac rehabilitation sessions. We are looking forward to reopening our newly-decorated doors on Monday 12th April!