Get Active Outdoors For Free!
24th March 2011
Jubilee Hall Trust’s partnership project with Queens Crescent Community Centre to deliver five free exercise sessions every week at an outdoor gym in one of the most deprived parts of Camden has just come to an end. The project, funded by Sport England’s Awards for All for one year delivered 260 free sessions of activity which had more than 2200 attendances with 63% from black and minority ethnic communities.
In the post project survey:
· 43% had changed their diet
· 40% had tried a new physical activity
· 37% had lost weight
· 35% had improved their flexibility
In addition, 5 individuals had started volunteering and one had got a new job through the programme.
Chief Executive of Jubilee Hall Trust, Phil Rumbelow, said:
‘These findings demonstrate not only that free supervised sessions at outdoor gyms can be effective in increasing physical activity – with all the health improvements that brings – but also that the benefits of such schemes are often much wider than anticipated.
We are working with Camden council’s Active Health team to see if we can find a way of continuing the project even though the original funding has now run out.’