Is Jubilee Hall Trust better than GLL and LA Fitness?
17th September 2013
Over the weekend of 14th/15th September, Jubilee Hall Trust’s Chief Executive, Phil Rumbelow and Operations Director, Jon Giles, competed in the Rat Race Scotland Coast to Coast challenge from Nairn on the North Sea coast to Glencoe on the Atlantic.
The race comprised more than 80 miles of road and off-road cycling and 22 miles of trail running over Ben Nevis, as well as kayaking across Loch Ness! Despite appalling weather conditions on the second day, the team completed the race in 12 hours 30 minutes, beating by an hour the time set last year by the MD of Greenwich Leisure Limited, and pipping LA Fitness’s Chief Executive this year by 3 minutes!
A great achievement by the Jubilee Hall Trust team, who did a lot of their training in their own excellent gyms.
(Obviously weather conditions vary significantly year-to-year so it is hard to make direct comparisons, and it must be mentioned that LA Fitness’s Bryn Taylor, trounced almost everybody by finishing second overall in an incredible time of 9hrs 31minutes! Well done Bryn!).