Jubilee Hall Trust and Active Movement launch new corporate activity programme
27th March 2015
Jubilee Hall Trust, the Covent Garden-based charity, has teamed up with Dr Mike Loosemore (pictured), Head of Sport & Exercise Medicine at University College Hospital, to offer local companies a programme to reduce employees sedentary behaviour and encourage low-level day-to-day activity.
Dr Loosemore said:
‘Inactivity and sedentary behaviour is one of the biggest challenges we have in public health today. Compared with 100 years ago, our levels of activity are tiny, the number of manual jobs are continually reducing, even if you dig a road up you sit in a little tractor. It’s about changing attitudes to how people behave at work and changing the culture of the workplace that just means moving around that little bit more. Even just standing up can make a big difference to calories burned and how alert, creative and productive you are.’
To address this issue, Dr Loosemore has created Active Movement, a behaviour change concept that incorporates physical activity into busy working lives. It encourages individuals, departments, floors, and even whole buildings to enjoy the programme collectively. Active Movement’s ‘Buddy’ programmes, special movements and team events create interaction and competition. This more collegiate approach improves co-operation and co-ordination between individuals and groups. This leads to changes in staff satisfaction levels whilst reducing absenteeism. Active Movement contacts all participants every week via online and scheduled visits, as well as face-to-face clinics with Dr Loosemore, newsletters, articles and videos. Every business is different, so each programme is bespoke to the organisation and Active Movement work alongside Human Resource departments to set tailored criteria for reviewing the programme.
Once empowered, many participants want to go further and look to join a gym, so Jubilee Hall Trust have created a specialised gym membership to introduce people to this new level of activity. The Active Movement membership includes one month’s free membership and free 1-2-1 induction with low intensity Active Movement introductory programming, as well as free follow up sessions and support.
Jubilee Hall Trust Chief Executive, Phil Rumbelow, said:
‘We recognise that only about 12% of the population are members of fitness gyms and yet almost everyone can benefit from being more active. Our mission is to build healthier communities by promoting physical activity and this unique partnership can help us to achieve that.’
Anyone interested in the scheme should, in the first instance, contact Oliver Deen, Club Manager at Jubilee Hall gym on 020 7395 4082 or by email at jubileehall@jubileehalltrust.org