Keep On Running!
3rd September 2015
More and more runners are signing up every day for the Jubilee Hall Trust charity 10k trail run on Saturday 19th September, but there are still some places left up for grabs! The race takes place on Hampstead Heath, starting at Parliament Hill and participants range from regular runners to first timers.
Almost three-quarters of those registered do less than the Chief Medical Officers recommendation of 150 minutes of moderate physical activity each week, and 39% currently run less than once per week, but 99% have said that they intend to keep running after the event!
The event has clearly attracted plenty of locals, with 54% stating that they live in Camden, whilst 24% work or study in the Borough.
If you don’t feel up to 10k, then try our FREE 2k Family Flash Dash!
All surpluses generated from the event will be used by the Jubilee Hall Trust charity to promote physical activity in Camden.
Click here to sign up for the race and get FREE use of The Armoury gym
To find out more about the race itself, please contact us at run@jubileehalltrust.org
For more information about The Armoury please contact us at thearmoury@jubileehalltrust.org